<Bridge, USS Pegasus>
The turbolift doors opened, and Kristiana stepped through, yawning, looking like she'd just woken up. Her hair in a bit of a mess, straightening her uniform a bit, glancing around. She saw Caelen in his seat, Takashi at his post, others at their stations too.
"What's the situation, sir ?" She asked Caelen.
"Tactical spotted a vessel whose readings match the lifepods. We're on intercept course." the CO responded.
Kristiana gave a nod and headed over to Takashi, ruffling her hair a bit. "How long till we reach them, Lieutenant ?" she asked the asian man at Tactical.
Takashi quicked browsed over his instruments at his station and turned back to the XO. "A little less than an hour now, assuming the alien contact maintain their course and speed at our intercept velocity of warp 8."
A nod from the auburn-haired woman. "Very good. Run a full tactical scan on the vessel when you get in range. I want to know what it's shield and weapon capabilities are."
"Aye Sir, If i may make a suggestion...I think we should also prepare for the possibility of hostilities" he said knowing full well that engaging a foreign vessel in foreign space would only complicate relations between the Federation and the Romulans. However he had also learned to always be prepared for any situation, a lesson he had learned to remember more often then he would like to admit.
"Aye Sir, If i may make a suggestion...I think we should also prepare for the possibility of hostilities" he said knowing full well that engaging a foreign vessel in foreign space would only complicate relations between the Federation and the Romulans. However he had also learned to always be prepared for any situation, a lesson he had learned to remember more often then he would like to admit. "The fact that this vessel ejected pods gives me the impression that ethier our guests had to escape with their lives, or that they were kicked off. Ethier way they're not likely to be pleased to know that we have their people aboard. We may need to defend ourselves." Takashi pointed out.
A nod from Kris. "Good thinking. However, if we come in with weapons hot, that could be interpreted as a sign of hostility .. I think it's best if we don't come down on them ready to blast them out of space at the drop of a hat .. " She pondered a half a moment longer, then gave a nod. "But .. I agree on your reasoning. Shields up, keeps weapons cold, but be ready to activate them at a moment's notice. Let's see what they do when they see us, first." A small pause .. "For reference, I prefer to be called Ma'am, Lieutenant." A nod to Takashi.
"Aye.... Ma'am..." he said smirking, a pleasent drop from character for Takashi. For him it's been a long time since anyone had surprised or amused him. It was though as the ship's cheeriness was beginning to rub against him. "As we're getting closer, it's becoming more and more evident that the pods we retrived match the configuration of this ship. It's not conclusive yet, but the smart money would be that this is our bird"
She'd nod and give a soft smirk at noticing his. "Very good Lieutenant." Matter of factly - that seemed to be her standard response for everything that went right, and it never sounded patronisingly, but always honestly when she said it. "Keep a sharp lookout for any other vessels, too. I still think there just might be a cloaked Warbird tailing us."
"I wouldn't be surprised, hell it's what i'd do when you have a foreign warship roaming around your space. We occasionally get radiation spikes here and there which could signal a romulan warship trailing us, but it's too faint to get an exact lock and trajectory. However we should also keep in mind that the Romulan didn't give us all access in their space..." he said as he looked around briefly and whispered "Are we even allowed to be doing this right now? Is the Romulan Government aware of our actions right now?" he said quietly as he respected the need to maintain professionalism between officers and part of that meant not to public point out defects in one's actions.
A slight frown as she pondered his words for a moment, realising she needed to be honest, but also looking certain of herself and one hundred percent supportive of her CO's decisions and actions. "I'm sure that warbird tailing us would have stopped us by now if they didn't want us to do what we're doing, Lieutenant. Besides, neither our guests nor that ship on your sensors are romulan, and this is the Neutral zone. So called because it belongs to neither the federation nor the romulans. I'm sure we're fine, from that side." She'd rest a hand on Takashi's shoulder for a moment as if to reassure him, before turning to walk towards her chair, next to Caelen.
"Aye Ma'am, understood..." he said unconvinced yet maintain his respect for their decisions. He just simply disagreed but at the same time knew his place. He had forfeited the right to make real command decisions when he resigned his commision after the war having been offered a command spot on the Tirpitz.
"Very good, Lieutenant. Carry on." as she sat down, shifting a bit to make comfortable, and looking thoughtful.
JP goodness by:
Lieutenant Kristiana Petrova XO, USS Pegasus
Lieutenant (JG) Matsu Takashi TacSec chief, USS Pegasus