"Repreive" #29 & 30 - "Olympic games"


[USS Pegasus, Deck 7 Room 32, 1015 hours]

"Ahhh, refreshing!" said Russell when he got out of the shower. He needed that. The few shots of tequila of the evening before in the Tellarite bar still had some effect on him when he woke up. But after being in the shower for 15 minutes he was a new man, ready for the new day.

He walked back into the room where his roommate Evans still was cutting down a rainforest. Russell was about to put on his uniform when Cmdr. LaBrie sounded through the com system: =/\= Commander LaBrie to all the Senior Officers of the USS Pegasus, please report to Conference room three on SB 343 for the Senior staff meeting… =/ \= Russell got his duty uniform from the bed and put it on. Then the commander sounded again =/\= You have thirty minutes to report in ladies and gentlemen, LaBrie out =/\=

<Thirty minutes? I need to get Evans up and running within half an hour?> Russell thought to himself with a smile on his face, looking at his snoring roommate. <That'll be a challenge.>

Evans had had a few more of them shots of tequila than Russell. He passed out because of it, and was subsequently dragged to his room, and dumped on his bunk by his CO and his roommate. He was laying in bed with his clothes still on, on his belly, one leg and arm still overboard. The fact that his face was buried in his pillow, actually didn't do much to dampen the noise of him snoring... The tequila that he spoiled on his uniform dried up nicely and left an unmistakable stain...

Russell remembered the last time he tried to wake his roommate. At that time he was having a nightmare. This time Evans was sleeping peacefully. Well, peacefully...

He walked over to Evans and tapped him on his shoulder. "Evans, wake up! We need to report for duty in half an hour." Russell said with a rather loud voice.

Evans did respond about the same as Russel expected... He moaned a bit, and continued snoring...

It seemed as if Russell's careful attempt to wake up Evans was futile. <Time for more drastic matters> Russell thought with an evil grin on his face and walked to the replicator. "One pint of ice cold water." he said to the computer. It chirped affirmative and a jug of H2O materialized in from of him. Russell picked it up and walked over to the still snoring Evans, still with the grin on his face.

When he stood next to Evans he poured the ice cold water over his roommate's head and said "Hey Evans! Refill?"

Now, this actually had the intended result. A loud shriek was heard through the room, as Evans' brain registered the sudden temperature change. Even an Olympic upsitter wouldn't have beaten poor wet Ronald, as he sat up in record-breaking speed. "WHAT THE HELL! " he yelled, thrashing his arms and legs around, in a kind of swimming motion...

"WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR?!" he yelled at Russell, as he became aware of his actual situation, immediately followed by a "Oh man, I don't feel so good..."

After that, not even an Olympic toiletrunner could have beaten him as he ran to the toilet, and emptied the contents of his stomach...

Russell put on a grossed out face by the noises coming from the bathroom. He had been in a similar situation when he was younger, so he knew the feeling Evans was talking about. Feeling 'not so good...'

Then he yelled to the bathroom "Go take a shower, it'll make you feel better, guaranteed! In fact, I'll make it a doctor's order. You've got ten minutes!" sounding like a drill sergeant. He tried to be sure they would make it to the conference room in time.

"What's the rush anyway? Isn't this supposed to be our day off?! Come on!" Evans yelled back, flushing the toilet. However, he never caught Russell lying to him, so he decided to get out of his dirty uniform, and take that shower.

It actually felt quite good, on his poisoned body, and he felt a lot better... That's not to say completely cured, but at least not like throwing up, anymore... The headache and gutrot would stay with him for the rest of the day AT LEAST...

"We have to report to conference room three on the Starbase for a senior staff meeting within twenty minutes." Russell shouted so he was sure he would be heard. "I guess it has to do with our next mission."

...And suddenly Evans felt just as bad as he had felt all day... <Ah man! I really need that! Sitting around a table with your colleagues, talking about all sorts of things that doesn't interest anyone..> Ofcourse, he knew these meetings actually were important, but that's how he felt about meetings anyway... "How much time did you say we had?"

"About fifteen minutes left, and we still need to find that conference room three." Russell explained his hurry. He wasn't planning on getting too late for the first meeting of the new mission. "We'd better get a move on."

"Conference room three?! There is no conference room three on the Peggy!... Oh..." Ronald replied, as he quickly finished his shower and dried himself off... "Eh, could you quickly throw me a clean uniform, please?" He was starting to sound a bit hurried now...

"Am I allowed to touch your duffle bag now?" Russell smiled referring to their first encounter, as he went over to Evans' somewhat cluttery bag to get him a clean uniform. He hadn't been unpacking carefully yet, as Russell had. He found a uniform in the bag and handed it over to Evans.

"Smartass..." Ronald replied, as he grabbed his uniform, and quickly put it on. He was ready for the meeting now, and Russell and he had just about enough time to get to the conference room in a fashionably late manner...

[Conference room three, SB 343]

Russell and Evans walked into the conference room with a few minutes to spare. "Hah, we made it." Russell said relieved. He saw his CO standing in the corner next to his XO, freshly released from sickbay.

A nod and a wink from Cmdr. LaBrie as they walked in. Russell smiled back. He knew what that wink meant. His CO referred to the still somewhat groggy looking Evans, who walked towards the replicator for a big mug of coffee. Russell decided to join him for this could be a long meeting. <Coffee first, introductions later.> he thought when he saw a few new and unknown faces sitting at the conference table.

A rude awakening post by:

Ensign Dr. Russell D. Floyd Chief Medical Officer


Ensign Ronald Evans Chief Operations

USS Pegasus