Hey people,
I’ve been thinking about this for a bit, and I’ve finally come to the decision of taking a hiatus from simming for the summer, for various reasons, the main one due to time constraints. Working two jobs starting next week will take a toll on me and limit the time that I have to dedicate to simming.
For the Rebellion, Montreal 2020, USS Pegasus, and USS Nightwing: You can do what you will with my character as you see fit. I don’t want to prevent other players from taking up the positions I have filled up to date, so if you feel it appropriate to do so, you may delete the character. I might just come back with better ones anyway. 
For the Orion: This would also mean that I won’t have much time to dedicate to the ship, and I know much of the key players have sims of their own. If you want to continue posting, you can do so (the website and mailing list will still be up for reference and posting and stuff like that), but if you want to delete or move your respective characters elsewhere, contact me, and we can make the necessary adjustments. This would also apply if you want to change characters and bring them over in August or September.
I’ll be thinking of new plotlines and also of a new character to fill Cooper’s shoes (which are big shoes to fill, seeing that she’s been around for almost three years, the Toka veterans will attest to that, and also the people who’ve seen me command the Pendragon in the past).
So, yeah. I’m sorry if it causes and inconvenience, but I promise I’ll be back before you know it!
Alexandra Cooper, CO, USS Orion Catherine Cooper, CMO, USS Nightwing Dedri Marahil, XO, Rebellion Alyson Cooper, Barwench, USS Pegasus Samantha Cooper, bike-riding old-schooler, Montreal 2020