-={On}=- [An Unknown Place at an Unknown Time] The room, if it really was a room, was bright white. A vast stretch of white nothingness as far as the eyes could see, there was literally nothing, no sound, no smell, no taste in the aire. In the middle of it all lay a humanoid, dressed up fully in black. He was slowly awakening from a slumber or unconciousness... or something in between. Ryylar blinked as he awoke and looked around. Was this heaven? He was dead. He remembered the stake piercing his heart because that damned zealous hunter had attacked and killed him. He felt his chest. No hole. The Caitian shook his head and looked around a bit. "Mister Ryylar... what brings you here?" an omnimous sounding, low bass voice came from... appearantly everywhere. "Uh... I guessssss I'm dead..." Said Ryylar, looking around to see where the voice might be coming from. "Why?" the voice asked, not chaning tone, volume and no emotions appearant. "Becausssse sssssome overrrrrrrzealoussssss perrrrrsssssson decccccided that I needed to die and attacked me even though I trrrrrrried to ssssstop him." Said Ryylar. A loud bouldering laugh now came from everywhere but slowly it shifted to a softer laugh and to a very specific place, it was Q, fully clad in white "You tried to stop him you say?" he asked, appearanly amused by this statement. "Well yessssss. I trrrrrried to tell him that he didn't need to kill me. I wasssssn't who he thought I wassssss." Said Ryylar, standing up fully now. "So if a Klingon would rush at you with a Bat'Leth you would tell him that you were allies?" Q asked, putting this in a totally different perspective "You would just stand there urging him pressingly to stop swinging that blade at him?" at you?"* "Well uh... if I thought I could get him to ssssstop..." Said Ryyar, blinking. His Starfleet training dictated that he try and find a peaceful solution. "And be cut in half..." Q added, he then shook his head and started pacing aggresively "...you know what your problem is Ryylar, when they cast you out you forgot all about your herritage... ever since you got into the Federation you tried to be more Human..." he came to a sudden stop and faced Ryylar "...but you're not quite Human now are you?" "Well... no, I'm a Caitian..." Ryylar said, blinking a bit. "Then Why are you a wuss?" Q asked quite bluntly. "I'm not a wusssssss! I jussssst believe in being peaccccceful!" Ryylar protested. "You're a Wuss Ryylar, admit it..." Q almost shouted back "...you are afraid to fight, afraid you would do something that would actually safe your life and perhaps others as well..." he shook his head "...how you ever will succeed as a Chief of Security eludes me" "I am NOT a wussssss. Issssss peaccccce that bad a goal? Isssss it that wrong to want to rrrrrressssssolve a prrrrroblem without murrrrrderrrrr?" He asked Q. "If you really believed in that, Ryylar, you would have not become a security officer..." Q walked closer to Ryylar and looked him in the eyes "...if you really believed that you would have joined the diplomatic department..." he leaned in a bit "...but you and I both know that you're a fighter, a born killing machine..." he threw his arms wide "...and I don't see why you find that a problem! Wouldn't that be helpfull in your field?" "I... I ssssssuppossssse... Fighting hasssss almosssst losssst me everrrrrrrything I have though. It got me kicked off of Cait. It got me nearrrrrrly kicked out of Sssstarrrrrfleet." Said Ryylar with a frown. Q shook his head a bit "But it also got you this new job and in the future respect of your junior officers and your CO when you save them from oncoming armies of enemies" "I don't... I guesssss..." Said Ryylar, lost for an argument. Q was right. "You Do! That's Just It!" Q responded "You would've lived if you only Dared to use that potential inside you!" he spoke, almost sounding excited. He snapped his fingers and suddenly they were back in Castle Dracula. On top of the staircase, looking down on an ordeal all to familliar to Ryylar. It was the moment of his death "You lost because you are afraid to fight and this is no different then anything that could happen to you working with Romulans, Klingons or even The Borg!" they saw how van Helsing pushed the stake inside Count Dracula and how Dracula ashed and vanished. Q snapped his fingers, stopping it all before it reverted back to before the fight. "But if it wasssss the Borrrrrg I would fight... I know they'rrrrrre a thrrrrrreat. I jussssst don't want to kill people who arrrrre missssstaken. If I did attack him, he'd be dead..." Said Ryylar with a slow nod, realizing what Q was telling him. He had to come to grips with his more savage predatory nature. It wasn't a part of him to be subjugated. "Let me show you something..." Q snapped his fingers again, resetting the whole ordeal to right before the fight "...see if you Would have faught him, with your inner instincts and fury but combined with you Security Training you could've done this" he snapped his fingers and now, instead of Ryylar trying to talk Van Helsing out of killing him he lashed forward and disarmed him with one fell swoop. He then picked him up and threw him across the hall, rendering him unconcious but not dead. Q snapped his fingers again "You were far superior then this man, you had powers you couldn't imagine... yet you died... he is still alive at this point you know... you could've done whatever you wanted... put him in a dungeon, simply fly away... anything but Dying would've been a Great option!" "You're right..." Said Ryylar softly. Q frowned a bit, as if surprised "Of course I'm right... I'm Q!" "So what now?" Asked Ryylar, sighing a bit. This entity had him and his crew in his clutches. He couldn't do anything to change that except hope that Q was getting bored and would restore them. "Now..." Q stated a bit mysteriously "...now you're dead" "Am I ssssssupposssssed to believe that thissssss isssss my afterrrrrlife? Ssssspending it with you?" Asked Ryylar with a blink. "Don't be silly!" Q answered, returning them to the great white room "you won't be spending it with me!" "Oh?" Asked Ryylar, cocking an eyebrow as he looked at Q. "Why so surprised? You don't think I have better things to do?" Q asked, the truthful answer would be No but then again Ryylar wouldn't give him that answer. "Oh? I figured you have more important people to botherrrrrr, but I am wonderrrrrring what my afterrrrrlife isssss sssssuppossssed to be like." Said Ryylar, crossing his arms. "Hrmph..." Q responded "...yeah me to... but I guess we'll have to wait for that some time longer, don't we?" he smirked and snapped his fingers, a bright white flash brightened the room, blinding Ryylar. "Gyah!" Shrieked Ryylar, flinging his arms up to shield him as he scrunched his eyes tightly shut. OFF: Warrant Officer Ryylar Chief Security Officer SB47 & Q (PNPC) Omnipotent Being Q-Continuum (as played by Caelen LaBrie)