OOC Message - Oppertunities

I watched a few episodes of DS9. I liked what I saw. As much as I love watching the action around ships, the idea of being a counselor on a massive station intrigues me. You know how I am. I'm not about to leave over something like this. I'm in for the long haul either way.

So, I'm in. No matter what happens, I'm here.


--- In OF_pegasus@yahoogroups.com, "John Conahan" <fng-rotten_emu@...> wrote: > > The Opportunity has arose for me to switch the Pegasus into a > Starbase sim, while some of you know me well enough I will clarify > why I even concider this option. I think DS9 was the best Star Trek > series made and also I think that a Space Station would allow for > far more in depth Char Development. > > Now I would understand that some of you might think "No Way man this > sucks!" then please tell me so, because I don't want to do this if > it means losing a crewmember (not even one). > > Generally converting to a Starbase sim would mean that all of you > got a bigger staff to work with, bigger living quarters (No More > Bunkmates *looks at Evans and Floyd*) and more toys to play with > (*looks at G'ulf Fey*). > > This opportunity arose when the CO of the TF Starbase resigned, I > immediately responded to the call for a new, experienced, CO. But I > also stated what I said before, my crew is more important to me then > my fetish for Starbases and I will not switch if any of you doesn't > want to. > > Consequently you now have Veto Rights, think about it before making > a decision, this opportunity will be unlikely to arise again any > time soon if the position is filled by another CO. > > I will put up a poll shortly after posting this, so you can give > your opinion without having to post something substantial like me :D > > Hope to Hear from you All, > Captain Caelen LaBrie > Commanding Officer > USS Pegasus >